Welcome to the Board Battles Wiki[]
This is the official wiki site for the forum-based Tandem Story/RPG system commonly referred to as the Board Battles, currently being held on http://www.administorum.com
Board Battle[]
A Board Battle is a scenario, of varying genres, which is run by a Battle Master and played by at least 1 player.
The longest-running Board Battle is the Epic Board Battle (Epic BB)
For an explanation of the setting of the Epic Board Battle, see The Multiverse
For a list of the mighty heroes and villains from the Epic Board Battle, see Epic Board Battle Characters.
For a list of the different plot arcs, see Epic Board Battle Plot Arcs.
To the Bitter End[]
"To the Bitter End" is a Warcraft III mod made by Soul Reaver. It uses the same setting and several characters from the Epic Board Battle.