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Species: Dharuk riding a Ghaurag

Allegiance: Morganem and the Council of Six


Mounted support troops for the Dharuk from Dhar. Like most Dharuk they are large, heavily muscled, red-skinned humanoids. Their armour appears patchwork but is finely-crafted. They are equipped with large enchanted war drums and armed with a large supply of weighted throwing axes that double as drumsticks.

They are mounted on a huge, trained Ghaurag. These lumbering creatures are unarmoured, but are so thick-skinned and large that they prove very hard to kill. Their size gives the mounted rider a perfect platform both to beat out an invigorating rhythm on their drums and hurl their axes with great accuracy into the battlefield.


Ghaurag are hard to train and raise, so Dharuk Ghaurag riders are an uncommon sight on the battlefield, with just one or two of them usually accompanying larger Dharuk groups where their war drums will have maximum effect. They are sent to intense conflict zomes and via The Warp to wherever in Ithia they may be required.

Dharuk are much stronger and tougher than most mortal warriors and can easily defeat most mortals in a one-on-one fight, and the size and toughness of the Ghaurag mean it takes quite some effort to take one down. That said, they typically stay behind the front lines and offer supporting fire rather than forming the front line. While their regular attacks do not inflict as much damage as that of the Dharuk Warriors and Cavalry that they accompany, the acidic bile of the Ghaurag and the effect of their war drums makes them a lot more dangerous. Against The Companions they initially pose a significant risk when encountered alongside other Dharuk, but as The Companions regain their memories and increase in Level, they can usually be dealt with a lot faster and are only a danger when ignored and accompanied by large numbers of other Dharuk.


Dharuk Ghaurag Riders attack over medium range.

War Drums[]

The enchanted war drums used by the Dharuk Ghaurag Riders passively boost the ferocity of all nearby allied troops, providing them with a small damage bonus as long as they remain within the moderate-sized area of effect.


Ghaurag can vomit a glob of highly corrosive acid onto a target a moderate distance away with amazing accuracy. Targets will suffer damage over time for a moderate duration as the acid eats away at their flesh.